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The day before the full moon on a farm called bad fontein, near Aliwal North in South Africa.
  • d70s||
  • 12-24 tokina
  • Brennvidde12mm
  • Blenderf/8
  • Lukker210s
  • Filmtyperaw
  • Nei
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  • KategoriNattbilder
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger130
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Kritikker (4)
Anne Kari Berg K.

Stemningsfullt bondegårdsmotiv. Uskarpheten i lammene er med på å skape en litt uvirkelig stemning. Stripene på himmelen - hva er det?

Stephane P.

the stripes in the sky are stars trails due to the rotation of the Earth. This was 3.5 minutes exposures, so this is what you get... Did not understand most of the comment, so cannot be more helpful...
David O.

An excellent piece of work .. I have looked through your work here and your level of work is way above that I am used to here on ...This one is almost spooky and you have created a light eerie mood..almost time travel effect. Technically perfect and artistically inspiring
Stephane P.

Thank you David for such kind comment.
I was looking for something to photograph, and the sun was already down. No river, so nice tree... Then drove past this enclosure, and thought it would show movements just like water, but also I knew that some of the sheep would not move so much that one will alway be able to see what it is.
Glad you liked it.

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